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Ibm 4840 Xx3 Pci Serial Ports

IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports: A Guide for Beginners

If you are looking for a reliable and versatile point of service (POS) terminal for your retail or hospitality business, you might want to consider the IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports. These are devices that allow you to connect various peripherals, such as scanners, printers, cash drawers, keyboards, and displays, to your POS system using serial communication.

ibm 4840 xx3 pci serial ports

Serial communication is a method of transferring data between devices using a single wire or a pair of wires. It is different from parallel communication, which uses multiple wires to transfer data simultaneously. Serial communication has some advantages over parallel communication, such as lower cost, longer distance, and less interference.

In this article, we will explain what IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports are, how they work, and what benefits they offer for your POS system.

What are IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports?

IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports are devices that are part of the IBM SurePOS 500 Series models. These are retail-hardened POS terminals that offer high performance, durability, and functionality for various business environments. The IBM SurePOS 500 Series models come with different features and specifications, depending on the model number.

The IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports are integrated on the system unit of the POS terminal. They provide four serial ports that can be used to connect various peripherals to the POS system. The serial ports are compliant with the RS-232 standard, which is a common protocol for serial communication.

The serial ports are also powered by USB ports, which means that they can provide power to the connected devices without requiring an external power supply. This reduces the clutter and complexity of the wiring and improves the reliability of the system. The USB ports are also compatible with both USB and serial printers, depending on the printer cable feature.

How do IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports work?

The IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports work by converting the parallel data from the POS system into serial data that can be transmitted to the connected devices. The serial data is sent through a single wire or a pair of wires using voltage signals. The connected devices receive the serial data and convert it back into parallel data that can be processed by their own circuits.

The serial ports use different pins to send and receive data, as well as to control the flow and timing of the communication. The pins are numbered from 1 to 9 and have different functions, such as transmit data (TXD), receive data (RXD), request to send (RTS), clear to send (CTS), data terminal ready (DTR), data set ready (DSR), ring indicator (RI), carrier detect (CD), and ground (GND).

The serial ports also use different modes of communication, such as asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous mode means that the sender and receiver do not have a common clock signal to synchronize their data transmission. They rely on start and stop bits to mark the beginning and end of each data unit. Synchronous mode means that the sender and receiver share a common clock signal to synchronize their data transmission. They do not need start and stop bits, but they use other methods to identify each data unit.

What benefits do IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports offer for your POS system?

IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports offer several benefits for your POS system, such as:

  • They allow you to connect various peripherals to your POS system using serial communication, which is simple, reliable, and cost-effective.

  • They provide power to the connected devices using USB ports, which reduces the need for external power supplies and simplifies the wiring.

  • They support both USB and serial printers, which gives you more flexibility and compatibility in choosing your printer type.

  • They are part of the IBM SurePOS 500 Series models, which are high-quality POS terminals that offer performance, durability, and functionality for your business needs.

How to use IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports for your POS system?

To use IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports for your POS system, you need to connect the devices that you want to use to the serial ports on the system unit of the POS terminal. You can use different types of cables and adapters, depending on the device and the port. For example, you can use a USB cable, a serial cable, or a printer cable feature.

After connecting the devices, you need to configure the serial ports and the devices using the IBM SurePOS 500 Configuration Utility. This is a software tool that allows you to set up various parameters for the serial ports and the devices, such as baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits, flow control, device type, device name, and device address. You can also test the communication between the serial ports and the devices using this utility.

Once you have configured the serial ports and the devices, you can use them with your POS application software. The POS application software is responsible for sending and receiving data to and from the devices using the serial ports. The POS application software may also provide additional features and functions for the devices, such as printing receipts, scanning barcodes, opening cash drawers, and displaying messages.

What are some examples of devices that can be connected to IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports?

Some examples of devices that can be connected to IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports are:

  • Printers: You can connect various types of printers to the serial ports, such as receipt printers, slip printers, journal printers, label printers, and ticket printers. You can use either USB or serial printers, depending on the printer cable feature. You can also use an independent video adapter to display a multimedia image on a second LCD for advertising or upselling.

  • Scanners: You can connect various types of scanners to the serial ports, such as barcode scanners, magnetic stripe readers (MSR), biometric scanners, and check readers. You can use either USB or serial scanners, depending on the scanner type and the port type.

  • Cash drawers: You can connect cash drawers to the serial ports using a cash drawer cable feature. The cash drawer cable feature allows you to open and close the cash drawer using a signal from the POS terminal or the printer.

  • Keyboards: You can connect keyboards to the serial ports using a keyboard wedge feature. The keyboard wedge feature allows you to use a keyboard as an input device for your POS system.

  • Displays: You can connect displays to the serial ports using a display cable feature. The display cable feature allows you to use a display as an output device for your POS system. You can also use an independent video adapter to display a multimedia image on a second LCD for advertising or upselling.

How to troubleshoot IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports?

If you encounter any problems with your IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports, you can try some of the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the physical connections of the devices and the cables. Make sure that they are securely plugged into the correct ports and that there are no loose or damaged wires.

  • Check the configuration of the serial ports and the devices using the IBM SurePOS 500 Configuration Utility. Make sure that the parameters are set correctly and that they match the specifications of the devices.

  • Check the drivers of the devices and the POS terminal. Make sure that they are up to date and compatible with your operating system and your POS application software.

  • Check the status of the devices and the serial ports using the Device Manager. Make sure that they are recognized by the system and that there are no errors or conflicts.

  • Check the logs and error messages of the POS terminal and the POS application software. Look for any clues or indications of what might be causing the problem.

  • Contact IBM support or your service provider for further assistance if none of the above steps resolve the problem.

What are some best practices for using IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports?

Some best practices for using IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports are:

  • Use high-quality cables and adapters that meet the standards and specifications of the serial ports and the devices.

  • Avoid placing the cables and adapters near sources of interference, such as power cords, magnets, or wireless devices.

  • Avoid bending, twisting, or stretching the cables and adapters excessively.

  • Avoid exposing the cables and adapters to extreme temperatures, humidity, dust, or liquids.

  • Label the cables and adapters clearly to avoid confusion and misconnection.

  • Clean and maintain the cables and adapters regularly to prevent dirt and corrosion.

  • Replace the cables and adapters if they show signs of wear and tear or damage.

How to upgrade IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports?

If you want to upgrade your IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports, you can do so by replacing the system unit of the POS terminal with a newer model that has more serial ports or better performance. You can also add an expansion card that provides additional serial ports or other features.

To upgrade your IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports, you need to follow these steps:

  • Back up your data and settings from your POS terminal and your connected devices.

  • Shut down your POS terminal and disconnect it from the power source and the network.

  • Disconnect the devices and the cables from the serial ports on the system unit of the POS terminal.

  • Remove the system unit from the POS terminal by unscrewing the screws and sliding it out.

  • Replace the system unit with a newer model that has more serial ports or better performance. You can also add an expansion card that provides additional serial ports or other features.

  • Reconnect the devices and the cables to the serial ports on the new system unit or the expansion card.

  • Reconnect the POS terminal to the power source and the network.

  • Restore your data and settings to your POS terminal and your connected devices.

  • Configure and test the serial ports and the devices using the IBM SurePOS 500 Configuration Utility and your POS application software.

What are some alternatives to IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports?

If you are looking for alternatives to IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports, you can consider some of these options:

  • USB ports: USB ports are another type of ports that allow you to connect various peripherals to your POS system using USB communication. USB communication is faster, more flexible, and more compatible than serial communication. However, USB ports may require more power, more drivers, and more security measures than serial ports.

  • Ethernet ports: Ethernet ports are another type of ports that allow you to connect various peripherals to your POS system using Ethernet communication. Ethernet communication is faster, more reliable, and more scalable than serial communication. However, Ethernet ports may require more infrastructure, more configuration, and more network management than serial ports.

  • Wireless ports: Wireless ports are another type of ports that allow you to connect various peripherals to your POS system using wireless communication. Wireless communication is more convenient, more mobile, and more adaptable than serial communication. However, wireless ports may require more battery, more encryption, and more interference protection than serial ports.


IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports are devices that allow you to connect various peripherals to your POS system using serial communication. They are part of the IBM SurePOS 500 Series models, which are retail-hardened POS terminals that offer performance, durability, and functionality for your business needs. They offer several benefits, such as simplicity, reliability, cost-effectiveness, power supply, and compatibility. They also require some configuration, troubleshooting, and maintenance to ensure their proper operation. You can also upgrade or replace them with newer models or expansion cards that have more serial ports or better performance. You can also consider alternatives to them, such as USB ports, Ethernet ports, or wireless ports, depending on your preferences and requirements.

We hope that this article has helped you understand what IBM 4840 XX3 PCI Serial Ports are, how they work, and what benefits they offer for your POS system. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. d282676c82

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